DAY 79: Small Pleasures

The ancient discipline of Hatha Yoga
encompasses the entire spectrum of physical well being.
addressing and improving every aspect of the human condition
from the obvious, such as improving strength and flexibility,
to the not so obvious, like quick thinking, finger reflex, and eye-hand coordination.
which is why i feel completely comfortable and confident in adding to Day 79’s Practice;
my video game wars in the studio with 6 year old Una,
as we waited for the floor series to roll around at the 2nd half of class.

Normally I’d have been at the 9am sesh,
However, jacked up by this morning’s time change,
(figured “Everything happens for a reason”)
I ended up at the 11… Which turned out for the better.

A Yogini Mata had arrived with her beautiful little girl
who was crest fallen at the thought of not being able to practice
cause there was no adult available to supervise her
while mom practiced the 1st half of class… As they were leaving…
“I’ll hang out with her” I found myself saying without hesitation.
“It’ll be a pleasure and a blast”… and so is was !

After a whole lot of fun with “Photo Booth”, Video Games, Jokes, and little Una
teaching me a few things about my mac book pro, It was time for us
to join in the 2nd half of class. Couldn’t have asked for a beter morning.

Taught the 4 and the 6 still beaming from the mornings fun.

Small Pleasures go a long way.

About chokaekalekoa

The more diverse people I meet the more diversity I meet within myself. I Frolic around the globe sharing spontaneous merriment and uninhibited joy, embracing the love of life through all 5 senses.
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